
Version 8 (modified by kyle_s, 15 years ago) ( diff )


825 Documentation

  1. 825gen2
  2. Database
  3. MySQL (MariaDB)
  4. SQLite3
  5. Devices
  6. Audio
  7. Beeper
  8. Bluetooth
  9. Digital Input/Output
  10. Ethernet
  11. HDMI Output
  12. LCD Display
  13. Option Card Slots
  14. Serial Ports
  15. Touchscreen
  16. USB
  17. USB Hub/SD Card Reader
  18. USB Keyboards and mice
  19. USB Printers - Text Printing
  20. USB Printers - CUPS Printing
  21. USB Serial Adapters
  22. USB Storage Devices
  23. USB Hub / Network Adapter
  24. USB Web Cams
  25. WiFi
  26. Getting started with 825 app development
  27. Libraries
  28. Networking
  29. IP Cameras
  30. Network Printing (Text)
  31. Network Printing CUPS (Graphics Allowed)
  32. PHP
  33. Remote Control
  34. SSH
  35. Network Security
  36. Sending Email
  37. Time/Date Synchronization
  38. Web Server
  39. Windows File Sharing
  40. Simulating 825gen2 App Operation
  41. Updating Legacy 825 Apps to run on 825gen2
  42. Updating Legacy Apps to New Look
  43. UpdFiles
  44. 8250221
  45. 8250319
  46. Checkweigher Documentation
  47. Dfc with Batcher Documentation
  48. Multi Scale
  49. Truck / ID Storage Documentation
  50. Programmer Documentation
  51. 825 Programmer's Manual
  52. Application Libraries
  53. Database Libraries
  54. Standard 825 Library with Application class (lib825)
  55. Standard 825 Library with EVENT features (lib825ev)
  56. Communications Functions
  57. CComm
  58. CCommClient
  59. CCommSerial
  60. CCommServer
  61. Analog Output (DAC Digital to Analog Conversion) Functions
  62. GetDAC
  63. GetDACPercent
  64. GetDACRangeFromIndex
  65. GetIndexFromDACRange
  66. SetDACFloat
  67. SetDACOutputRange
  68. SetDACPercent
  69. SetDACReg
  70. SetDACTrackGrossNet
  71. SetDACTrackScale
  72. StopDACTrackScale
  73. Debug Functions
  76. Display Functions
  77. CBitmap
  78. CFont 825gen2
  79. CImage 825gen2
  80. ClearLCD
  81. DisplayStr DEPRECATED - Replace with DisplayText
  82. DisplayText
  83. GetX
  84. GetY
  85. InitLCD
  86. IsFontLoaded
  87. LocateLCD
  88. PrintLCD
  89. PrintLCDbutton
  90. PrintLCDfont2
  91. ReadFont
  92. SetBkColor
  93. SetCurColor
  94. File Functions
  95. CFile
  96. IsMounted
  97. Form Functions
  98. CForm
  99. CFormRect 825gen2
  100. EVENT
  103. EnableItem
  104. ExitWithCode
  106. FORM_ADD_BUTTON2 825gen2
  108. FORM_ADD_INPUT2 825gen2
  112. FORM_HIDE
  113. FORM_INIT
  115. FORM_RUN
  116. FORM_SHOW
  117. FindName
  118. GetCurrentItemIndex
  119. GetExitCode
  120. GetItem
  121. !GetItemByIDVal
  122. GetItemCount
  123. GetItemIndex
  124. HideItem
  128. IsChanged
  129. SetInputFont
  130. SetKeyEvent
  131. ShowItem
  132. WriteData
  133. Input / Output (Digital I/O) Functions
  134. GetInput
  135. GetInputMask
  136. GetOutput
  137. SetDIOCounter
  138. SetOutput
  139. SetOutputMask
  140. StartDIOPulse
  141. StartRepeatIO
  142. StopDIOPulse
  143. StopRepeatIO
  144. Keypad/Sound Functions
  145. ClearKeyBuffer
  146. KeyPadInsertKey
  147. KeyPadSetUSBEvent
  148. OpenBeeper
  149. PlayNotes
  150. WaitKeypress
  151. Process Functions
  152. GetProcessID
  153. GetProcessIDExcludeSelf
  154. KillProcess
  155. ResetPrevGrossWt
  156. ResetPrevNetWt
  157. ResetPrevTareWt
  158. test
  159. String Functions
  160. FloatToStr
  161. IntToStr
  162. StrFmt
  163. StrFmtLen
  164. StrToFloat
  165. StrToInt
  166. StrTrimLeft
  167. StrTrimRight
  168. Ticket Functions
  169. CTktFlds
  170. PrintTkt
  171. Time and Date Functions
  172. CMillisecondTimer
  173. CSleep
  174. CTimer
  175. DoSleep
  176. GetDateStr
  177. GetLinuxTime
  178. GetTimeStr
  179. IsTimeChanged
  180. ResetPrevTime
  181. SleepMilliseconds
  182. SleepSeconds
  183. Utility Functions
  184. GetKernelVer
  185. GetKernelVerStr
  186. GetLoaderVer
  187. GetLoaderVerStr
  188. GetMemFree
  189. GetMnBdVer
  190. GetMnBdVerStr
  191. Weighing Functions
  192. CheckWIM * DEPRECATED - New apps should use MnBdSetWIM *
  193. DLCRepeatMultiIncludeCellWts
  194. FormatGrossWt
  195. FormatNetWt
  196. FormatTareWt
  197. FormatWt
  198. GetBelowZero
  199. GetCapacity
  200. GetCenterZero
  201. GetCurUnitsLabel
  202. GetDecimal
  203. GetGrossWt
  204. GetInterval
  205. GetMotion
  206. GetNetWt
  207. GetNumScales
  208. GetOverCap
  209. GetProcessScale
  210. GetSecUnitsLabel
  211. GetTareWt
  212. GetUnitsLabel
  213. GetWtError
  214. IsGrossWtChanged
  215. IsNetWtChanged
  216. IsTareWtChanged
  217. IsWtStatusChanged
  218. IsWtUnitsChanged
  219. MnBdClearEvent
  220. MnBdClose
  221. MnBdGetErr
  222. MnBdGetErrMsg
  223. MnBdGetErrMsgStr
  224. MnBdOpen
  225. MnBdProcess * DEPRECATED - New apps should use StartRepeatMulti *
  226. MnBdRead
  227. MnBdRequest
  228. MnBdSetEvent
  229. MnBdSetWIM
  230. MnBdShutdown
  231. MnBdStartup
  232. RequestWt * DEPRECATED - New apps should use StartRepeatMulti *
  233. ResetPrevGrossWt
  234. ResetPrevNetWt
  235. ResetPrevTareWt
  236. ResetPrevWtStatus
  237. ResetPrevWtUnits
  238. SetTareCurrent
  239. SetTareValue
  240. SetWIM * DEPRECATED - New apps should use MnBdSetWIM *
  241. StartRepeatMulti
  242. StartRepeatWt * DEPRECATED - New apps should use StartRepeatMulti *
  243. StopRepeatMulti
  244. StopRepeatWt * DEPRECATED - New apps should use StopRepeatMulti *
  245. ZeroScale
  246. Development Environment
  247. Application Signing
  248. Debugging
  249. Setup for Software Development
  250. Version Control
  251. Device Support
  252. Device Drivers
  253. Beeper
  254. DIO
  255. Display
  256. Network
  257. Serial Ports
  258. USB Support
  259. Weighing
  260. Foundation
  261. Application Mode Startup
  262. Shell operations - Linux / Windows command line Reference
  263. Mainboard Protocol
  264. Environment Setup
  265. User Documentation
  266. Configuration Utility
  267. File Manager
  268. Updating an 825 indicator
  269. DLC Card Update
  270. 825 Software Version History
  271. Installing Custom Applications
  272. Pre-release Software Updating an 825 indicator
  273. Creating and using an nControl Ticket

Attachments (3)

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