Network Printing (Text)
EPSON LQ-590IIN Ethernet
Printer set to DHCP so had to find it's IP address.
Using NMAP on PC terminal:
nmap -T4 -F -oN C:\temp\scan_q.txt 10.1.0-5.* … Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00034s latency). Not shown: 95 closed tcp ports (reset) PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https 515/tcp open printer 631/tcp open ipp 9100/tcp open jetdirect MAC Address: DC:CD:2F:C6:15:E3 (Seiko Epson)
For production environment you would need to set printer to use a static IP or setup your router/DHCP server to always assign the same IP address based on the printer's MAC address (static DHCP)
Make sure "Allow RAW(Port9100) Printing" is checked.
825 may make a network client connection on Port 9100 to the printer's IP address and send text data to printer. The printer buffers data received until a (form feed) character is received. The CCommClient class in lib825ev may be used for TCP/IP communications as a client CCommClient
Attachments (3)
- prt_lq590_basic.png (58.3 KB ) - added by 16 months ago.
- prt_lq590_protocol.png (81.8 KB ) - added by 16 months ago.
- prt_lq590_protocol2.png (78.4 KB ) - added by 16 months ago.
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