

Initializes a display form.

void FORM_INIT(formName name, EVENT_FNC eventShow, EVENT_FNC eventProcess, EVENT_FNC eventHide, EVENT_FNC eventDone, int nFlag);


  • formName - name of the form.
  • eventShow - event function that is called to display additional items such as titles.
  • eventProcess - event function that is called every few milliseconds to do any application processing desired. May be NULL.
  • eventHide - event function that is called when the form is hidden. May be NULL.
  • eventDone - event function that is called when the form is exiting. May be NULL. If a done event is specified it may return 0 to stay in the form or non-zero to exit the form.
  • nFlag - form flags, may be combination of items in table below using the bitwise OR operator |
nFormFlgNoneUse only when no other flags are to be used
nFormFlgShowHelpThe form will show help text of the currently selected item
nFormFlgKeepPrevCurItemUpon return to the form from another screen the form will not reset current item to top
nFormFlgReadOnlyThe form will not allow editing
nFormFlgKeepBottomLineThe form will not clear the bottom text line
nFormFlgClearItemsOnlyWhen the form is hidden it will only clear its form items, and not the entire screen
nFormFlgCaseInsensitiveHotkeysHotkeys for menu button presses will not be case sensitive

Return Value

This function does not return any value


FORM_INIT is a macro to simplify the initialization of forms. The preprocessor will convert this to a CForm initialization of the specified form name.

#define FORM_INIT(f, show, process, hide, done, flg) CForm form##f((show), (process), (hide), (done), (flg))


void IDScreen(void)
    string strID1;
    string strID2;

    FORM_INIT(ID, EventIDShow, NULL, NULL, NULL, nFormFlgShowHelp);
    FORM_ADD_INPUT(ID, ID1, 0, 50, "ID 1: ", 10, 0, 0, NULL, strID1, 0, NULL, "Enter the ID 1");
    FORM_ADD_INPUT(ID, ID2, 0, 80, "ID 2: ", 10, 0, 0, NULL, strID2, 0, NULL, "Enter the ID 2");


    // strID1 and strID2 now contain the entered data

    DisplayText(0, 0, "ID Input Screen");
    return 0;

See Also

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 09/29/20 12:17:45
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