
FindFlashDrive 825gen2

Search for plugged in flash drives

bool FindFlashDrive(std::vector<string>& pathList, bool checkForUnmounted = false);


pathList = a vector of std::string to be populated with the result paths found checkForUnmounted = If true will also check if drive is unmounted and mount it

Return Value

This function returns true if any flash drive found/mounted.


The function reads /proc/mounts to obtain the result.


   int result;
   char usbFilePath[180];
#if ARM64
   vector<string> pathList;
   // pass true to mount the drive if a drive found but not mounted
   if(FindFlashDrive(pathList, true) == false) {
      result = -1;
   } else {
      result = 0;
      // pathList item will already have a trailing slash
      // so usbFilePath will become something like "/run/media/sda1/data.csv"
      sprintf_s(usbFilePath, "%sdata.csv", pathList[0].c_str());
   result = system("mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/fl1");
   strcpy(usbFilePath, "/mnt/fl1/data.csv");
   if(result != 0) {
      DrawErrorBox("Error mounting USB drive", 2);
   } else {

      // ... Write data to flash drive, or read from the drive

#if ARM64
      system("umount /mnt/fl1");

See Also

Last modified 9 months ago Last modified on 05/17/24 12:51:50
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