
File Manager

The file manager displays two views to allow easy selection of directories to copy or move files from. Each view lists the files of the specified directory in order. This is ASCII ordering so all entries starting with upper case characters “A” through “Z” are listed before entries starting with lower case characters “a” through “z”.

USB Storage

The file manager will automatically mount USB storage devices formatted with the FAT file system. The mount operation occurs when the path /mnt/fl1 … /mnt/fl4 is selected. The USB flash should be inserted prior to entering the directory /mnt/fl1. It is recommended to exit the /mnt/fl1 directory before removing the USB storage device. The first USB storage device inserted will be /mnt/fl1 without regard to the USB slot used. If a second USB storage device is inserted without removing the first it will mount as /mnt/fl2.

Network File Share (NFS)

The file manager will prompt to login to a network file share when the directory /mnt/nfs is selected.

The previously used NFS IP address and path will appear. Press ENTER to accept the previous settings to mount again or change the settings and press ENTER.

If the /mnt/nfs is already mounted (determined by reading /proc/mounts) the file manager will not prompt to connect to the network file share.


Left Arrow – If the right view is the currently selected view change the selected view to the left view.

Right Arrow – If the left view is the currently selected view change the selected view to the right view.

Up Arrow – Move selection in the current view to the file above the current file.

Down Arrow – Move selection in the current view to the file below the current file.

Enter Key –

If the current item is “.” refresh the view.

If the current item is “..” change the view to the parent

directory of the current view.

If the current item is a directory change the view to

the directory.

If the current item is a .BMP file the file manager will format a command for the imageview application to display the file. The file manager will then exit to run the script.

If the current item is a .S19 or .BIN file the file manager will format a command for the loadsrec application to perform a firmware update based on the file. The file manager will then exit to run the script.

If the current item is a .sh script file the file manager will prompt whether to run the script. If yes is specified the file manager will format a script to call the specified script. The file manager will then exit to run the script.

If the current item is a .tkt ticket file the file manager will prompt whether to install the ticket. If yet is specified the file manager will format a script to call the touchcal configuration program to install the ticket. The file manager will then exit to run the script.

(C)opy – copies selected files from current directory view to other directory view.

(M)ove – moves selected files from current directory view to other directory view.

(R)ename – renames selected file.

(D)elete – deletes selected files. (Operating system files are in read only file system and may not be deleted).

(P)aths – prompts for new path for each view.

(N)ew Dir – prompts for directory name to create a new directory within current view.

(E)xe – sets the currently selected file to executable. Same as

from command line “chmod +x filename”

(U)mount – unmounts current directory such as /mnt/nfs

(SPACE) toggle select – toggle selection to allow multiple files

To be selected for other commands.

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 03/19/09 08:50:40
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