
Version 97 (modified by Don Wilson, 5 weeks ago) ( diff )


825 Gen2 Update History

Current Release - Full Image 1.21.005-00

OS/Std Apps1.21.005-00-5.15.60
Main board1.21.034

Diagnostics Menu - OS image build date 2025-01-22

Patches for 1.21.005

Patches for 1.21.004

Code 98260120 update 1.21.004-07 (Functionally the same as 1.21.005-00)

upd825_2025-01-20.tgz (Includes previous updates 1.21.004-01 through 1.21.004-06)

SSH - 9.6p1 /usr/bin/scp,ssh,ssh-keygen, /usr/sbin/sshd, /usr/libexec/sftp-server, openssh/sshd_check_keys, /lib/systemd/system/ssh*
Improved SSH security.

Application Menu - svn r26 /usr/sbin/diag/config
Fixed issue when multiple custom applications are installed. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

Configuration - svn r38 /usr/sbin/diag/config
Improved "Configure Menu" user interface. Added "Reset Indicator" button to allow resetting indicator features: "Delete all standard app data", "Delete all custom apps and data", ... Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

Setup - svn r237 /usr/sbin/diag/setup
Added "Manual connection" button to "Setup Wifi" screen. This allows manual entry of SSID, password, IP address, netmask, gateway, DNS 1, and DNS 2 items to create/modify a manual wifi connection. Fixed issue with netmask not showing correctly after configuring a static IP address. Added "Count:" input for ping count for "Diagnostics" "Network Test" screen. This allows specifying how many pings the test is to perform. The ping test can now be interrupted by touching the screen during the test. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

File manager - svn r55 /usr/sbin/diag/filemanage
Added "Backup" and "Restore" selections to main menu. This simplifies indicator backup and restore operations. When selected choice is offered for USB flash or local network share. Standard app data, custom apps and data, ticket formats, and configuration are backed up. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

Weight server - svn r35 /usr/sbin/diag/wtsvr
Fixed issue with SMA zero command.

Multi Scale - version 1.02.005 /usr/sbin/card/mscale
Improved display positioning for newer style showing more white space borders. If totalizer is enabled the total weight is now shown as a selectable scale button. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

Check Weigher - version 1.00.042 /usr/sbin/card/chkwgh
Improved display positioning for newer style showing more white space borders. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

Highway Weighstation - version 1.83.002 /usr/sbin/card/hway
Improved display positioning for newer style showing more white space borders. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

ID Storage - version 1.03.198 /usr/sbin/card/ids
The traffic light graphic is now enabled by default. If ID storage config files have already been created this will not change the traffic light graphic enabled state. Improved display positioning for newer style showing more white space borders. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

DFC/Batcher - version 1.00.010 /usr/sbin/card/batcher
Improved display positioning for newer style showing more white space borders. Now uses anti-aliasing for improved font display.

Code 98251119 update 1.21.004-06

upd825_2024-11-19.tgz (Includes previous updates 1.21.004-01 through 1.21.004-05)

Setup - svn r229 /usr/sbin/diag/setup
Improved "Setup Wifi" screen. Menu keyboard shortcuts are now case insensitive. Login screen will now allow login with case insensitive user ID. "Preferences" has added "Temperature logging" button. This allows changing the temperature logging parameters.

Web Server
The "Diagnostics" page now shows a "log" link to open a new page showing temperature log records if temperature log files are present.

Code 98251115 update 1.21.004-05

upd825_2024-11-15.tgz (Includes previous updates 1.21.004-01 through 1.21.004-04)

Main board - version 1.21.034 /lib/firmware/mnbd825.elf
Update to fix issue with write of USA setting to SIB card

Code 98251011 update 1.21.004-04

upd825_2024-10-11.tgz (Includes previous updates 1.21.004-01 through 1.21.004-03)

ID Storage - version 1.03.196 /usr/sbin/card/ids
Fixed issue with import/export transactions, products, etc... to USB flash drive

Configuration - svn r19 /usr/sbin/diag/config
Fixed issue with setting a ticket format to use a USB printer. Fixed issue with ticket begin/end codes only allowing a few characters to be entered.

Setup - svn r225 /usr/sbin/diag/setup
View "ID Information / Certifications" removed. Updated certification file.

Web Server
Login page now allows for upper case user ID. Improved display for "Invalid Login"

Beeper and other I/O driver - version 1.00.004 /lib/modules/5.15.60*/extra/cardbeep.ko
Updated /sys/kernel/c825 file ownership to 'admin'

Main board driver - version 1.00.011 /lib/modules/5.15.60*/extra/cardmnbdm.ko
Update to fix main board digital I/O outputs not working when wifi enabled.

Main board - version 1.21.033 /lib/firmware/mnbd825.elf
Update to fix main board digital I/O outputs not working when wifi enabled.

Code 98250917 update 1.21.004-03

upd825_2024-09-17.tgz (Includes previous updates 1.21.004-01 through 1.21.004-02)

ID Storage - version 1.03.193 /usr/sbin/card/ids
Improved scoreboard output for COM3 operation to allow SB600 messages. Fixed traffic light graphic to show correctly on no screen 825 1920 x 1080 resolution.

DFC/Batcher - version 1.00.09 /usr/sbin/card/batcher
Improved DFC mode. Added a fill starting state to check that fill has started before checking for fill complete. Previously, it would sometimes start and then immediately go to fill completed.

File manager - svn r45 /usr/sbin/diag/filemanage
Fixed command line operation seg fault. This happened if "reqver" test would have shown error box due to attempt to update from incorrect version.

Main board - version 1.21.032 /lib/firmware/mnbd825.elf
Fixed problem with DLC sometimes getting corrupted capacity, interval, or decimal value from EEPROM. This could cause capacity display on apps to show incorrectly or weight to show "OVER CAPACITY". Debug messages for COM3 are now off by default

Code 98250913 update 1.21.004-02

upd825_2024-09-13.tgz (Includes previous update 1.21.004-01)

ID Storage - version 1.03.192 /usr/sbin/card/ids
Updates for SB600 scoreboard messages. "Menu", "Configuration", "Scale Info" allows threshold settings for scale state to be specified. Also options "Show Traffic Light Graphic" and "Manual Traffic Release" are added. "Configure Scoreboard" has added "Message Slots" button when SB600 is selected. This allows message slots to be specified for scale/traffic states.

DFC/Batcher - version 1.00.08 /usr/sbin/card/batcher
Improved DFC mode.

Setup - svn r222 /usr/sbin/diag/setup
Improved wtsvr configuration.

File manager - svn r44 /usr/sbin/diag/filemanage
Added command line capabilities to download/install updates. This is used by new "Administration" web page to allow performing update from web page.

Update verifier - svn r3 /usr/sbin/diag/c825vfy
Update for web page updating

Weight server - svn r34 /usr/sbin/diag/wtsvr
Fixed issues with weight server serial communications.

Main board - version 1.21.031 /lib/firmware/mnbd825.elf
Added single shot I/O event to allow better filling/batching applications. Fixed issue with multi repeat sending received serial port data.

Web Server
Improved web site diagnostics. "Remote Control" page is changed to "Administration" and allows updates to be downloaded/installed.

Apache web server configuration is modified to disable listable directories. If listable directories is enabled this can be flagged by some scanners as a security concern.

Added configuration to allow web user to do some administrative things.

Code 98250826 update 1.21.004-01


ID Storage - version 1.03.190 /usr/sbin/card/ids
Fixed not able to enter temporary IDs. Fixed "Config IDs" screen showing black buttons. Fixed Zero scale not showing "CANNOT ZERO" when in motion.

Configuration - svn r16 /usr/sbin/diag/config
Improved print tabs setup screens.

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