Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of TracAccessibility

04/19/23 14:06:21 (22 months ago)



  • TracAccessibility

    v4 v5  
    1 = Accessibility Support in Trac =
     1= Accessibility Support in Trac
    3 Not every user has a graphic environment with a mouse or other pointing device. Some users rely on keyboard, alternative keyboard or voice input to navigate links, activate form controls, etc. In a Trac session, users can use devices other than a pointing device by enabling keyboard shortcuts through the [/prefs/keybindings Keyboard Shortcuts] preferences panel.
     3Not every user has a graphic environment with a mouse or other pointing device. Some users rely on a keyboard, alternative keyboard or voice input to navigate links and activate form controls. In a Trac session, users can use a device other than a pointing device by enabling keyboard shortcuts through the [/prefs/userinterface Keyboard Shortcuts] preferences panel.
    5 Trac supports accessibility keys for the most common operations. The access keys differ by browser and the following work for several browsers, but see [ access in different browsers] for more details.
    6  - on Linux platforms, press any of the keys listed below in combination with the `<Alt>` key
    7  - on a Mac, use the `<Ctrl>` + `<Opt>` key instead
    8  - on Windows, you need to hit `<Shift> + <Alt> + <Key>`. This works for the most common browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer
     5== Global Access Keys
    10 == Global Access Keys ==
     7The global access keys differ by browser and the following work for several browsers:
     8 - on Linux, press any of the keys listed below in combination with the `<Alt>` key
     9 - on a Mac, use `<Ctrl>` + `<Opt>` + `<Key>`
     10 - on Windows, use `<Shift> + <Alt> + <Key>`. This works for the most common browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer
     12See [ access in different browsers] for more details.
    1214 * `1` - WikiStart
    13  * `2` - [wiki:TracTimeline Timeline]
    14  * `3` - [wiki:TracRoadmap Roadmap]
    15  * `4` - [wiki:TracSearch Search]
    16  * `6` - [wiki:TracGuide Trac Guide / Documentation]
    17  * `7` - [wiki:TracTickets New Ticket]
     15 * `2` - [TracTimeline Timeline]
     16 * `3` - [TracRoadmap Roadmap]
     17 * `4` - [TracSearch Search]
     18 * `6` - [TracGuide Trac Guide / Documentation]
     19 * `7` - [TracTickets New Ticket]
    1820 * `9` - [/about About Trac]
    19  * `0` - This page
    20  * `e` - Edit this page
     21 * `e` - Edit (wiki or report)
     22 * `r` - Preview (wiki or ticket)
    2123 * `f` - Search
     25== TracBrowser Navigation
    24 ----
    25 See also: TracGuide
     27The browser can be navigated using the keys listed below. The key modifiers listed above are not used for navigating the browser.
     29* `j` and `k` - select the next or previous entry, starting with the first
     30* `o` ('''o'''pen) - toggle between expanded and collapsed state of the selected directory or visit the selected file
     31* `v` ('''v'''iew, '''v'''isit) and `<Enter>` - same as above
     32* `r` - '''r'''eload an already expanded directory
     33* `a` - directly visit a file in '''a'''nnotate (blame) mode
     34* `L` - view the '''L'''og for the selected entry
     36If no row has been selected using `j` or `k`, the keys will operate on the entry under the mouse.