[[TOC]] = CComm = CComm is a C++ class that is provided to simplify 825 serial and ethernet operations. CComm is a base class for the inherited classes CCommSerial (serial ports), CCommClient (TCP/IP client), and CCommServer (TCP/IP Server). ==== Examples ==== == Member Functions == === Open === Opens a specified file, or using the filename already stored in the object. ==== Remarks ==== ==== Example ==== {{{ CComm *pComm; // pComm is a pointer that can point to a CCommSerial, CCommClient, or CCommServer instance if(commTypeSelection == SERIAL) { int comport = 2; CCommSerial *pSerial = new CCommSerial(commPort); pComm = pSerial; } else if(commTypeSelection == CLIENT) { string svrIP = ""; int svrPort = 8001; CCommClient *pClient = new CCommClient(svrIP, svrPort); pComm = pClient; } pComm->Open(); // Now the app can call pComm->Send to send data without regard for whether it is serial or TCP/IP. }}}