= StartRepeatMulti = Start repeating communications from main board to report weights, I/O status, COM3, COM4 and optionally input counters. {{{ int StartRepeatMulti(uint32 interval, struct mnbd_multi_rep_counters_struct& counters); }}} {{{ int StartRepeatMulti(uint32 interval, struct mnbd_multi_rep_counters_struct* counters = NULL); }}} == Parameters == * interval - update interval in milliseconds * counters - structure to define any DIO counters to be reported == Return Value == * Returns the result - OK success == Remarks == The main board or option card must already be opened by calling OpenMnBd first. The call does a wait for acknowledgement. If the application is using main board communication events these events may be called during the wait for acknowledgement. COM3 (and COM4 on new style 2012 main board) receive data is also reported. == Examples == {{{ if(StartRepeatMulti(100) == OK) DisplayText(0, 0, "Wt and I/O 10 times per second"); }}} {{{ int bd = 1; int inp = 8; SetDIOCounter(bd, inp, dioSetCount, 0, WAIT_ACK); SetDIOCounter(bd, inp, dioSetPrescaler, 1, WAIT_ACK); SetDIOCounter(bd, inp, dioSetCountUp, 0, WAIT_ACK); SetDIOCounter(bd, inp, dioSetCountLowToHigh, 0, WAIT_ACK); SetDIOCounter(bd, inp, dioEnableCounter, 0, WAIT_ACK); struct mnbd_multi_rep_counters_struct counters; memset(&counters, 0, sizeof(counters)); counters.cnt1_bd = bd; counters.cnt1_input = inp; if(StartRepeatMulti(100, counters) == OK) DisplayText(0, 0, "Wt, I/O, cnt 10 times per second"); }}} == See Also == * [http://tech.825spectrum.com/trac/wiki/Docs/Prog/Manual/ApplicationLibraries/lib825ev/Weight/StopRepeatMulti StopRepeatMulti]