= GetDateStr = Get the date {{{ string GetDateStr(void); char* GetDateStr(char* pszBuffer); string GetDateStr(datetime_struct* pDate); char* GetDateStr(datetime_struct* pDate, char* pszBuffer); }}} == Parameters == * pszBuffer - buffer to hold formatted time, application must insure that this buffer is large enough. * pDate - pointer to datetime_struct == Return Value == * Returns the date formatted as "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY", or "YYYY-MM-DD", based on boot loader preferences. == Remarks == This function returns the date information that is in memory based on a previous call to GetLinuxTime() or IsTimeChanged(). The versions of this function that take a datetime_struct pointer may be used to format date string based on an arbitrary date. == Examples == {{{ string strDate = GetDateStr(); DisplayText(10, 10, strDate); }}} {{{ char szDate[20]; GetDateStr(szDate); DisplayText(10, 10, szDate); }}} {{{ datetime_struct dt; dt.year = 2021; dt.month = 1; dt.day = 28; string strDate = GetDateStr(&dt); DisplayText(10, 10, strDate); }}} {{{ datetime_struct dt; dt.year = 2021; dt.month = 1; dt.day = 28; char szDate[20]; GetDateStr(&dt, str); DisplayText(10, 10, szDate); }}} == See Also == * [wiki:GetTimeStr GetTimeStr] * [wiki:GetLinuxTime GetLinuxTime] * [wiki:IsTimeChanged IsTimeChanged]