= PrintTkt = Print the specified ticket {{{ int PrintTkt(int nFmt, CTktFlds& tktflds, int verbose = 0, CComm* pComm = NULL, CCommConnection* pConnection = NULL); int PrintTkt(int nFmt, struct tktfld_struct* pFlds, int verbose = 0, CComm* pComm = NULL, CCommConnection* pConnection = NULL); }}} == Parameters == * nTkt - Ticket format to print: TKT_STD, TKT_ALT, TKT_FPASS, TKT_LOG, TKT_SPEC1, TKT_SPEC2, TKT_SPEC3, TKT_SPEC4, TKT_SPEC5, TKT_SPEC6 * tktflds - Reference to CTktFlds class to fill in ticket variables * pFlds - Pointer to tktfld_struct structure to fill in ticket variables * verbose - Set to 1 to output detailed messages about print * pComm - Optionally specify a CComm instance for communications * pCommection - If pComm is used a specific connection may be specified. == Return Value == * Returns == Remarks == == Examples == Newer style using CTktFlds helper class: {{{ CTktFlds flds; flds.Set(TKT_FLD_TIME, strTime); flds.Set(TKT_FLD_GROSS, strGross); PrintTkt(TKT_STD, flds); }}} Older style: {{{ struct tktfld_struct flds; memset(&flds, '\0', sizeof(flds)); flds.fld[TKT_FLD_GROSS].pFld = szGross; flds.fld[TKT_FLD_GROSS].nType = TKT_FLD_STR; PrintTkt(TKT_STD, &flds); }}} == See Also ==