= PlayNotes = Play simple music notes on the beeper. {{{ void PlayNotes(const string& strNotes); void PlayNotes(const char* pszNotes); }}} == Parameters == * strNotes - string containing notes to play * pszNotes - character array pointer containing notes to play == Return Value == * void - does not return any value == Remarks == Any application that will use PlayNotes must call OpenBeeeper first. The duration of note may be specified such as 8A as an eighth note, 4C and a quarter note. The octave may be specified after the note such as 8A5 to specify an eighth A note octave 5. The available notes are limited to: Octave 5 - A, B, C, D, E, F, G Octave 6 - A, C, E, G Octave 7 - C, D, E Beeper Frequencies - C5 = 523.25Hz D5 = 587.33Hz E5 = 659.26Hz F5 = 698.46Hz G5 = 783.99Hz A5 = 880.00Hz B5 = 987.77Hz C6 = 1046.50Hz E6 = 1318.50Hz G6 = 1568.00Hz A6 = 1760.00Hz C7 = 2093.00Hz D7 = 2349.30Hz E7 = 2637.00Hz == Examples == {{{ string str = "A,B,C\r"; PlayNotes(str); }}} {{{ PlayNotes("A,B,C\r"); }}} == See Also == * [http://tech.825spectrum.com/trac/wiki/Docs/Prog/Manual/ApplicationLibraries/lib825ev/KeypadSound/OpenBeeper OpenBeeper]