= !HideItem = {{{ CFormItem* CForm::HideItem(const char* name, bool updateDisplay = true) CFormItem* CForm::HideItem(int nIDVal, bool updateDisplay = true) }}} == Parameters == * name = The button title or input prompt text * nIDVal = The ID value of a button or input * updateDisplay = (optional parameter, true if not included) true to update the display, false do not update the display == Return Value == The !HideItem function returns a pointer to the CFormItem found based on the provided name or nIDVal value; NULL is returned if no item is found with a matching name value. == Remarks == HideItem is a wrapper for EnableItem with the enable parameter set to false to simplify code. It is equivalent to EnableItem(name, false, updateDisplay) or EnableItem(nIDVal, false, updateDisplay) == Example == The conditional items are initialized with the FORM_FLAG_DISABLE flag to start out hidden. After the FORM_SHOW is called the !UpdateLocalRemoteForm function is called to show these items based on the data. When the mode or type selection is changed the event !ModeOrTypeChg is called and the event calls !UpdateLocalRemoteForm to update the conditional items appropriately. {{{ void UpdateLocalRemoteForm(CForm *pForm) { int mode = 0; int type = 0; CFormInput *pMode = (CFormInput*)pForm->FindName(LANG(STR_LOCREM_MODE_PROMPT)); if(pMode != NULL) { mode = pMode->GetSelItem(); } CFormInput *pType = (CFormInput*)pForm->FindName(LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMTYPE_PROMPT)); if(pType != NULL) { type = pType->GetSelItem(); } // Must do hide items first to allow for conditional items to be at the same place // in the form otherwise we might show a condition item and then blank it out if(mode == MODE_OFF) { pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMTYPE_PROMPT)); pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_PORT_PROMPT)); pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_IPADDR_PROMPT)); pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMPORT_PROMPT)); } else { if(type == SERIAL) { pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_IPADDR_PROMPT)); pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_PORT_PROMPT)); pForm->ShowItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMPORT_PROMPT)); } else { pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMPORT_PROMPT)); if(mode == MODE_REMOTE || mode == MODE_REMOTE_SMA) { pForm->ShowItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_IPADDR_PROMPT)); } else { pForm->HideItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_IPADDR_PROMPT)); } pForm->ShowItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_PORT_PROMPT)); } pForm->ShowItem(LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMTYPE_PROMPT)); } } int CLocalRemote::Config(void) { Shutdown(); uint8 byMode = (uint8) GetMode(); commType = (uint8) GetCommType(); commPort = (uint8) GetCommPort(); FORM_INIT(CfgLR, EventLocalRemoteShow, NULL, NULL, NULL, nFormFlgShowHelp); FORM_ADD_INPUT(CfgLR, Mode, FONT_WIDTH * 0, FONT_HEIGHT * 2, LANG(STR_LOCREM_MODE_PROMPT), 10, 0, 2, EventModeOrTypeChg, &byMode, FORM_UINT8_SEL, LANG(STR_LOCREM_MODE_CHOICES), LANG(STR_LOCREM_MODE_HELP)); FORM_ADD_INPUT(CfgLR, Type, FONT_WIDTH * 0, FONT_HEIGHT * 4, LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMTYPE_PROMPT), 10, 0, 1, EventModeOrTypeChg, &commType, FORM_UINT8_SEL | FORM_FLAG_DISABLE, LANG(STR_LOCREM_TYPE_CHOICES), LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMTYPE_HELP)); FORM_ADD_INPUT(CfgLR, ComP, FONT_WIDTH * 0, FONT_HEIGHT * 6, LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMMPORT_PROMPT), 10, 0, 1, NULL, &commPort, FORM_UINT8_SEL | FORM_FLAG_DISABLE, LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMPORT_CHOICES), LANG(STR_LOCREM_COMPORT_HELP) ); FORM_ADD_INPUT(CfgLR, Port, FONT_WIDTH * 0, FONT_HEIGHT * 6, LANG(STR_LOCREM_PORT_PROMPT), 6, 0, 65535, NULL, &GetPort(), FORM_UINT32 | FORM_FLAG_DISABLE, NULL, LANG(STR_LOCREM_PORT_HELP)); FORM_ADD_INPUT(CfgLR, IP, FONT_WIDTH * 0, FONT_HEIGHT * 8, LANG(STR_LOCREM_IPADDR_PROMPT) , 18, 0, 0, NULL, GetIP(), FORM_STR | FORM_FLAG_DISABLE, NULL, LANG(STR_LOCREM_IP_HELP)); FORM_SHOW(CfgLR); UpdateLocalRemoteForm(&formCfgLR); int result = FORM_RUN(CfgLR); FORM_HIDE(CfgLR); if (result != FORM_RESULT_ESC) { SetMode((LocalRemoteMode) byMode); SetComType((LocalRemoteComm) commType); SetComPort((LocalRemotePort) commPort); appCfg.Write(); } Startup(); return result; } EVENT(ModeOrTypeChg) { UpdateLocalRemoteForm(pForm); return 0; } EVENT(LocalRemoteShow) { ClearLCD(); SetCurColor(COLOR_ATTENTION); DisplayText(0, 0, LANG(STR_LOCREM_TITLE)); return 0; } }}} === See Also === * [wiki:ShowItem ShowItem] * [wiki:EnableItem EnableItem]