= EVENT_SHOW_BTN_CONTENT = For buttons defined with the flag FORM_OUTLINE_1LINE_WND .. FORM_OUTLINE_15LINE_WND a hole is present in the display of the button to allow custom text to be displayed within the button. EVENT_SHOW_BTN_CONTENT is a macro to simplify the call to the form to show the text to appear in the button. The FORM_SHOW_EVENT flag must also be specified when the form button is created. == Parameters == * None == Return Value == This function does not return any value == Remarks == EVENT_SHOW_BTN_CONTENT is a macro to simplify the operation of form outline button drawing. The preprocessor will replace this with a call to the ShowButtonContent function of the button that triggered the event. {{{ #define EVENT_SHOW_BTN_CONTENT(line1, morelines...) pItem->ShowButtonContent(line1, ##morelines) }}} == Examples == {{{ string productId = ""; EVENT(Product) { if(EVENT_FLAG_SHOW) // Draw Button Contents { EVENT_SHOW_BTN_CONTENT(productId); } else { IN_EVENT_HIDE_FORM; InputProductID(); IN_EVENT_SHOW_FORM; } return 0; } EVENT(Customer) { }}} == See Also == * [wiki:EVENT_FLAG_SHOW EVENT_FLAG_SHOW] * [wiki:FORM_INIT FORM_INIT] * [wiki:FORM_SHOW FORM_SHOW] * [wiki:FORM_RUN FORM_RUN]