= Sending Email = The 825gen2 can send emails. The sendmail and msmtp commands are included in our Yocto Linux build. {{{ cd /home/root Create the msmtp config file nano ~/.msmtprc defaults tls on account gmail auth on host smtp.gmail.com port 587 user wilsonwareapps@gmail.com from wilsonwareapps@gmail.com account default : gmail }}} Google no longer allows applications to use regular Google login password. Create an app specific password in google web portal Keep a record the generated password {{{ ueut eapo jrqv eaid }}} Create an email {{{ nano message.txt From: wilsonwareapps@gmail.com To: don@wilsonware.com Subject: Test email from 825 Test 825ARM Variscite 123456 abc }}} Send the email {{{ msmtp -t < message.txt }}}